Email Deliverability

Professionally Proven Methods to Increase Email Deliverability

December 27, 2021

Plus, tips to keep your emails out of spam!

Your email marketing should tell stories to help you connect, captivate, and convert your subscribers into buyers; exposing your target community to where they are in their customer journey and where they want to be. Allow me to unveil some of my best email deliverability strategies to you, a business owner looking to take a more strategic approach to your email marketing efforts. 

To start, this blog post on Walker Media will discuss: 

  • What email deliverability is and why it matters. 
  • What we all can do to keep emails out of the subscriber’s spam filter. 
  • My favorite proven processes are to increase email deliverability over time.
Email Deliverability

What is Email Deliverability & Why Does it Matter?

According to, email deliverability is defined as “the measurement and understanding of how successful a sender is at getting their marketing email into people’s inboxes.” Ultimately, this leads us as business owners and marketers to identify patterns in our digital communication efforts through email marketing. 

Email deliverability directly adds to the quality of data that an email list can store…that way we can analyze key email marketing metrics such as opens, unsubscribes, clicks, and bounce rates to use said finding as a compass to guide future business email communications decisions. 

In short, email deliverability is the ability to deliver emails to subscribers’ inboxes. Which is an important metric to track as we can only truly market our products and services to subscribers who engage with our digital campaigns.

3 Tips To Keep In Mind So That Your Emails Don’t Go To Spam…

We can’t talk about increasing your email deliverability without first going through how to keep your emails out of someone’s spam filter. If so, our efforts to increase our email marketing metric overall would be wasted and not lead to the most optimal outcome. 

Avoid having too many links

This is an instant red flag that will be a sure-fire way to set the spam filters off (yup – that’s a thing). Be sure to save the external links you have in your email content for when it’s essential in your email such as a primary or secondary call to action. Bonus Tip: Keep in mind that a confused mind does not take action. Be sure to have a clear call to action at the end, instead of giving your audience too many choices that may overwhelm them and cause a subscriber to instantly delete what you’ve sent.

Keep in mind that you want to keep extra elements in your email to a minimum.

We all love a good meme or helpful graphic every once in a while, but too many can look like spam mail. Additionally, be sure to compress your image size so that it doesn’t take your audience too long to load the graphic on their end. If so, your audience may just delete your email without even reading it because it’s “taking too long”. OUCH!

Be aware of the language you are using in your email…

And I don’t mean curse words because if that’s “on brand” for you or that’s your thing, go for it! But, words like “promo,” “urgent,” “sale,” and so on can be another factor to set off the spam filters. Of course, this type of language is often needed to guide someone toward a decision, but save the heavy scarcity tactics/words for your sales pages and social media promotion

My Proven Framework

Grab your pen & paper and focus on this part because I am about to REVEAL one of my most high converting email marketing strategies….It has to deal with what you can do after you acquire a customer utilizing the power of email marketing. In turn, this strategy helps to skyrocket email deliverability percentages.

Usually, after a new student purchases, a program from a business owner a new student receives a confirmation email for their purchase and that’s it. Sometimes another email a few weeks down the line asking if the new student had any questions…but even that “checking in email” is few and far in between.

Overall, the instance described above equates to a missed opportunity that is likely leading to a negative impact on your customer retention rate. 

I want to challenge you to do this instead: create a New Student Success Sequence, or NSSS as I like to call it to boost your email deliverability. I have implemented this strategy with myself and all of my clients and it has been game-changing for our email marketing efforts.

Email Deliverability

With a solid New Student Success Sequence you will be able to: 

Share in your new student’s excitement

Set clear expectations of your course/program, and build anticipation of what’s “in it for them” when they do the work by finishing the curriculum outlined for them—achieving your program’s promise and reducing buying uncertainties (which leads to fewer customer support inquiries and refunds).

Start Conversations with New Customers

You can start conversations with your new customers in a way that’s personalized but saves a ton of time. Through the power of sending targeted emails, you are able to gather valuable insight such as asking questions about what really was the thing that got them to join your program throughout your public campaigning/ marketing efforts, what task and/or goal were they able to achieve shortly after joining your program, gain testimonials from your early adopters into your unique methods to present to other potential clients that may be on the fence about purchasing, and so on. This then creates market research readily available to you to improve your next launch or iteration of the curriculum. 

Increase your email deliverability, open, and click-through rate

Finally, my favorite point of all, increase your email deliverability, open, and click-through rate. In conjunction with point number two, my proven process allows you to frictionlessly sell your next product in your suite. Not only are you staying top of mind with your customer leading with a value-first approach, but you have also “trained” them to open emails from you regularly as they now associate your emails with high value. This subscriber’s behavior is likely to continue as they have now grown accustomed to opening up your emails when they see them in their inbox.

What you do after you get a sale is just as important as getting your customer to the check-out page.

Consumers love instant gratification and the sense of security to feel like they have done everything correctly.

Just like when you shop online and you receive a receipt of your purchase, confirmation email, and frequent updates that your order has been shipped and it’s on the way..these touchpoints give a customer peace as they know they have “done their part”.

So, your business should not operate any differently. Implement a New Student Success Sequence into your email marketing efforts and watch your email deliverability soar. 

I believe a business should have a strong focus on not only client acquisition but client retention as well. This proven process helps a business owner do just that. And – remember it costs anywhere from 5 – 25 times more to acquire a new customer than retain one that you already have.

To summarize, by reading this blog post you learned:

  1. What is Email Deliverability & Why Does it Matter In Your Business
  2. 3 Tips To Keep In Mind So That Your Emails Don’t Go To Spam
  3. My Proven Email Deliverability Framework
  4. What A Solid New Student Success Sequence or NSSS can do for you

Did you enjoy this post? Hope so! I would love to connect with you on Instagram. My handle is @artisha_walker! I have also created The Ultimate Email Marketing Starter Guide that you can download by clicking here!

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